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Kunstschule Flyer Bild wird geladen
Bild wird geladen

Draw and paint in different technics: aquarell, acryl, oil, pastel crayon,
colour pencil, lead pencil, ink, tempera, charcoal.

How to draw a tree? Bild wird geladen

wednesday from 14.30- 17.30 hours
thursday from 9- 12 hours
friday from 9- 12 hours

Study from the nude
Portrait drawing/painting
Once a month on saturday

Oilpainting Bild wird geladen
Oilpainting 2 Bild wird geladen
Bild wird geladen

Development - Phases

The artwork in the background is called


and it could be yours.

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Landscape with blue ball 2014
The artwork in the background is called

Landscape with blue ball 2014

and it could be yours.

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