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- born 1947 in Grave NL
- grown up in Amstelveen, after education to a carpenter 1967
- 1969-71 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
- 1977-83 Muthesius-Schule, Kiel

Since 1983, free lance artist and participation on a lot of
expositions and also a lot of individual expositions in: Kiel, Hamburg,
Lübeck, Neumünster, Eutin, Itzehoe, Mölln, Rendsburg, Altena, Rastede, Münster, Bonn, Berlin, Stavanger and so on.

Since 1983, member of the Landesverband Schleswig-Holstein of the Bundesverband Bildener Künstler (Federal Association of Visual Artists).

Since 1994, member of the Lübecker Künstlergemeinschaft (Lübeck Artists' Community).

Emotional relations 3
The artwork in the background is called

Emotional relations 3

and it could be yours.

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Quo Vadis 2
The artwork in the background is called

Quo Vadis 2

and it could be yours.

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