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For me it is a need to express in my pictures, my consternation and rage or worry as well as enjoy about our world, our existence or mankind.

My artistic examination is moving on different parallel paths.

On the one hand pictures coming in of imaginary landscapes, evolved in myself, in which they are often also a stage for a big or little human worldtheater.

On the other hand is the human beiing with all facets of his soul and existence an object to my subjective perception.

My pictures are because of this autobiographical, that is also reflections of my weekdays experiences.

By radical humanism, I understand a global philosophy that emphasizes the unity of the human race, the capacity of humans to develop their own powers, to attain inner harmony, and to establish a peaceful world.

Toads for Albert Storys

December 7, 2021

Bild wird geladen

Colr Pencil, 2021

Forest Clearing for Albert

October 21, 2021

Forest clearing for Albert Bild wird geladen

2021, DIN A4, Color Pencil

2 Garlicktoads

October 4, 2021

2 Garlicktoads Bild wird geladen

each 7x7 cm, 2021, Colorpencil

Toad and Figures

September 27, 2021

Toad and Figures Bild wird geladen

2021, 13x13 cm, Colorpencil

Inspired by Charles Bargue

August 14, 2021

inspired by Charles Bargue 1 Bild wird geladen

21x15 cm, 2021, Oil on Hardboard

Dancing in the Forest 2021

August 14, 2021

Dancing in the Forest 2021 Bild wird geladen

50x70 cm, 2021, Oil on Canvas

Naked for Art

June 29, 2021

Naked for Art Bild wird geladen

Forget-me Not

April 9, 2021

Forget-me-not Bild wird geladen

Aquarell, Sepia 22x22 cm


March 15, 2021

Bild wird geladen

7x7cm, color pencil


February 26, 2021

Katharsis Bild wird geladen

Yellow Toad

February 1, 2021

Bild wird geladen

Color Pencil, 7x7 cm

Katharsis 1

January 23, 2021

Katharsis 1 Bild wird geladen


January 11, 2021

Genesis 2, red Bild wird geladen

Gardenvisitor 2016

January 5, 2021

Gardenvisitor 2016 Bild wird geladen
After a picture by Carl Blechen
The artwork in the background is called

After a picture by Carl Blechen

and it could be yours.

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Dancing in the Dark
The artwork in the background is called

Dancing in the Dark

and it could be yours.

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